Monday, March 5, 2012

Want to go Private?

Please post your thoughts about the book.

What does the title symbolize?

How did the book make you feel?

What do you think happens at the end?

Who is your favorite character?  Least favorite?  AND WHY?

Put yourself in the character's shoes...what would you do?

Or any other questions.

Respond to this post.  Reflect on any aspect of the book!  Be sure to do this so you do not forget by the time the author comes!!!


  1. i think that the book is very interesting. i liked the ending because it was more emotional and easy to put youself in the girl's shoes. my lest favorite character is Lily. she is always saying something mean and i hated reading those parts because i can relate to Abby. if i were Abby, i wouldnt have talked to Luke. i would know when the situation is being taken too far. i enjoyed the book and would recomend it to others. :)

  2. I only just began reading but Lily seems to get away with being rude. Abby's mother, perhaps, may be Lily's influence. Abby seems complex. I think she has a combination of personalities--shy yet rebellious.

  3. I liked the book very much it seems to me that the farther Abby separated herself from Faith the more she got closer to Luke. The reason being obviously Abby wanted to feel loved, but it retrospect it could really be because she lost all the affection Faith use to give her. I personally felt anyone could relate to this story given how much the internet has impacted our lives greatly. Same goes for cell phones. We can easily access communication with people we know or people that we don't via tumblr, facebook, or twitter.

    1. Great points! I wish Abby had other friends besides Faith as we need to have several friends, but she did have Billy's attention---funny that was not good enough. It seems like there was something deeper going on. She was rebelling. She was lucky to have a boy like Billy give her attention, but she would always want something Nick's attention!

  4. i think Abby's mother should realize who starts the arguements between Abby and Lily. it's usually Lily. i think, at some point, Abby should have taken a step back and thought about what it was exactly that she was doing. at somepoint she should have realized that she knows better, especially since she kept mentioning the assemblies and talks at school about internet safety. everyone was saying that Abby is smart and she wouldn't, but expecting too much from someone can make a persons view on Abby's situation look a lot worse. i also felt bad that Abby's father couldn't even look at her in the eyes. he should have payed more attention to his kids. family first, work second.

    1. I think the parents did try at least a little for their children's attention, but maybe it was not enough.
